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Fat Neck

Fat Neck

Despite efforts to lose fat through diet and exercise, certain areas of the body can harbour resistant pockets of fat. Our necks are one area prone to excess fat and this can become particualry apparent as we age.

Surgical removal of fat is commonly performed by liposuction. Mr West is one of the few surgeons in the UK who can offer Vaser liposuction. If there is excess skin then this may need to be addressed with skin tightening such as Renuvion. Significant excess may be best treated with a combination of liposuction and skin excision with face & neck lift. In men, a z-plasty neck lift allows fat and skin to be removed through a scar on the front of the neck.

During your consultation Mr West will examine the areas you are concerned about and discuss what your desired aesthetic outcomes are. Based upon this assessment, and if appropriate, Mr West will suggest a plan to remove fat from your neck, and to reshape the area to give a slimmer, younger and more athletic look.

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07563 828957


Coppergate Clinic
8 Coppergate

Spire Leeds Hospital
Jackson Avenue

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